
Can You Fix A Spider Crack In Your Windshield?

Can you fix a spider crack in windshield

Driving a car with a spider crack in the windshield can be a nerve-wracking experience. Not only is it unsightly, but it also poses a significant safety risk. A spider crack is a type of damage that occurs when a small object, such as a stone or debris, hits the windshield, causing it to crack in multiple directions. While some spider cracks may seem minor, they can quickly spread, compromising the structural integrity of the windshield.

If you find yourself with a spider crack in your windshield, you may be wondering if it can be fixed. In this blog, we’ll explore the different types of windshield cracks, what causes them, and whether or not a spider crack can be fixed.

Types of Windshield Cracks

There are several types of windshield cracks, each with its own characteristics and repairability.

1. Bull’s Eye Crack: 

A bull’s eye crack is a circular crack with a single point of impact. It looks similar to a bull’s eye, hence the name. This type of crack is typically easy to repair, as long as it is caught early.

2. Half-Moon Crack

A half-moon crack is a partial circle-shaped crack that typically occurs on the edge of the windshield. This type of crack is usually repairable, as long as it is less than six inches in length.

3. Star Crack

A star crack is a type of crack that looks like a star with several legs extending from the center point. This type of crack can be repaired, but it is important to address it as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.

4. Combination Crack

A combination crack is a combination of a bull’s eye crack and a star crack. This type of crack can be repaired, but it is more challenging than other types of cracks.

5. Spider Crack

A spider crack is a type of crack that occurs when the impact point is not in the center of the windshield. It looks like a spider web, with multiple cracks radiating out from a central point. This type of crack is more challenging to repair than other types of cracks.

What Causes Windshield Cracks?

Windshield cracks can occur for several reasons, including:

  • Rocks and Debris: Rocks and other debris on the road can be kicked up by other vehicles, causing damage to your windshield.
  • Temperature Changes: Extreme temperature changes can cause your windshield to expand and contract, leading to cracks.
  • Improper Installation: If your windshield was not installed correctly, it can lead to stress on the glass, resulting in cracks.
  • Age: As your vehicle ages, the windshield can become more brittle and susceptible to cracks.

Can a Spider Crack be Fixed?

Whether or not a spider crack can be fixed depends on several factors, including the severity of the crack and the location of the damage.

If the spider crack is less than six inches in length and not in the driver’s line of vision, it may be repairable. However, if the crack is longer than six inches or in the driver’s line of vision, the windshield will need to be replaced.

Repairing a spider crack typically involves injecting resin into the crack to fill in the gaps and prevent it from spreading. The resin is then cured with UV light, and any excess is removed. While the repair may be visible, it is usually much less noticeable than the crack itself.

If the spider crack is severe or located near the edge of the windshield, it may not be repairable. In these cases, the windshield will need to be replaced to ensure your safety on the road.


Driving with a spider crack in your windshield is not only unsightly but also poses a significant safety risk. While some spider cracks may be repairable, it is essential to address them as soon as possible to prevent them from spreading and compromising the structural integrity of your windshield.

If you have a spider crack in your windshield, it is important to consult with a professional auto glass technician to determine the best course of action. They can assess the severity of the crack and recommend whether it can be repaired or if the windshield needs to be replaced.

Remember, driving with a damaged windshield is not only dangerous but can also result in a ticket or fine if you are pulled over by law enforcement. Don’t take chances with your safety or the safety of others on the road. Address any windshield damage promptly and ensure your vehicle is roadworthy and safe to drive.

Also Read: 5 Things You Should Know About A Windshield Spider Crack

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