
Does Insurance Cover Windshield Damage? Explained

Does insurance cover windshield damage

Windshield damage is a common occurrence for drivers, whether it’s a small chip from a pebble or a larger crack caused by a collision. The big question on many drivers’ minds is: Does insurance cover windshield damage? 

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of insurance coverage for windshield damage, exploring different types of insurance, coverage options, claim procedures, and factors that influence coverage decisions. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of what to expect when it comes to windshield damage and insurance coverage.

Types of Insurance That Cover Windshield Damage

Comprehensive Auto Insurance:

Comprehensive insurance is often the go-to policy for coverage against windshield damage. It’s designed to cover damages to your vehicle that are not related to collisions with other vehicles, such as vandalism, theft, and natural disasters. Most comprehensive policies include coverage for windshield damage, which can encompass repairs for minor chips and full replacements for more significant cracks.

Collision Auto Insurance: 

While comprehensive insurance primarily covers non-collision damages, collision insurance is designed to cover damages resulting from collisions with other vehicles or objects. In some cases, collision insurance might also include coverage for windshield damage if the damage was caused by a collision. However, it’s essential to check the specifics of your policy, as not all collision policies include windshield coverage.

Full Glass Coverage: 

Some insurance companies offer specific full glass coverage as an optional add-on or endorsement to your existing policy. This coverage is tailored to cover all types of glass on your vehicle, including the windshield. While it might come at an additional cost, it can provide comprehensive coverage for windshield damage without affecting your regular insurance policy.

Factors That Influence Coverage Decisions

State Regulations: 

Insurance coverage requirements and regulations vary by state. Some states mandate insurance companies to offer full glass coverage as part of their policies, while others might leave it as an optional add-on. Understanding your state’s regulations is crucial to determining your coverage options.

Policy Type and Coverage: 

The type of insurance policy you have and the level of coverage you’ve selected will directly impact whether your windshield damage is covered. Comprehensive policies are more likely to include windshield coverage compared to liability-only policies.


A deductible is the amount you’re responsible for paying before your insurance coverage kicks in. If your windshield damage repair costs are lower than your deductible, it might not make sense to file a claim, as you’ll have to cover the costs out of pocket.

Type of Damage: 

Insurance companies might differentiate between minor chips and significant cracks when determining coverage. Some policies might only cover repairs for chips, while others might cover full replacements for cracks that impair visibility or compromise structural integrity.

Filing a Windshield Damage Insurance Claim

Assessment and Documentation: 

When you notice windshield damage, start by documenting it. Take clear photos from various angles to provide evidence of the damage. Contact your insurance company and provide them with the necessary information, including the date, time, location of the incident, and relevant photos.

Claim Process: 

The insurance company will guide you through the claim process. They might assign an adjuster to evaluate the damage and estimate repair or replacement costs. Depending on the severity of the damage, the adjuster might recommend repair or replacement.

Approved Repair Shops: 

Insurance companies often have a network of approved repair shops. If you choose to use one of these shops, the claim process might be smoother, as the repair costs are pre-approved by the insurance company. However, you usually have the option to choose a repair shop of your preference.

Coverage Limits: 

It’s important to be aware of your policy’s coverage limits. Some policies might have a maximum limit for windshield damage coverage, beyond which you would need to cover the remaining costs.

Impacts on Premiums and Deductibles


In general, filing a claim for windshield damage should not significantly impact your insurance premiums. Windshield damage is often classified as a “no-fault” claim, meaning it’s not attributed to your driving behavior. However, it’s always a good idea to check with your insurance provider to understand their specific policies regarding premium increases.


If you need to pay a deductible for your windshield damage claim, it’s essential to factor in the costs and benefits. Sometimes, the repair or replacement costs might be close to or even lower than your deductible, making it more cost-effective to handle the expenses yourself.

Preventing Windshield Damage

While insurance coverage can provide financial protection, preventing windshield damage in the first place is equally important. Here are some tips to help you avoid windshield damage:

  • Maintain Safe Following Distance: Keep a safe distance from vehicles in front of you, especially on highways, to reduce the chances of rocks and debris hitting your windshield.


  • Avoid Construction Zones: Construction zones often have loose gravel and debris, increasing the risk of windshield damage. Whenever possible, avoid driving through these areas.


  • Drive Cautiously on Rough Roads: Be extra cautious when driving on rough or unpaved roads, as they can cause more significant impacts to your windshield.


  • Repair Chips Promptly: Small chips can quickly turn into large cracks. Get them repaired promptly to prevent further damage.



In conclusion, the question of whether insurance covers windshield damage depends on various factors, including the type of insurance policy you have, the extent of the damage, and your deductible. Comprehensive insurance is the most likely policy to cover windshield damage, but it’s essential to understand the specifics of your coverage and your state’s regulations. 

Filing a claim for windshield damage involves a straightforward process, and while it generally shouldn’t affect your premiums significantly, assessing the costs and benefits is important. By understanding these key aspects, you can make informed decisions and ensure that you’re adequately protected against windshield damage. Remember, prevention is key, so take precautions to avoid windshield damage whenever possible.

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