
Understanding Windshield Cracks: Why They Spread and When to Act

Welcome to GlassFixit, your trusted partner in auto glass repair and replacement serving the entire Bay Area, including San Jose and San Francisco. Today, we’re delving into a common yet concerning issue for drivers: windshield cracks. 

Whether it’s a tiny chip or a sprawling fracture, windshield damage demands attention. We’ll explore the causes behind windshield cracks, the risks they pose, and the solutions offered by GlassFixit to keep you safe on the road.

Windshield cracks can occur due to various factors, including:

– Impact: Even minor collisions with debris or objects on the road can lead to cracks.

– Temperature fluctuations: Sudden changes in temperature, common in the Bay Area, can cause glass to expand and contract, leading to cracks.

– Stress: Continuous stress on the windshield, such as from structural weakness or improper installation, can result in cracks over time.

Windshield crack

Types of Windshield Cracks:

– Bullseye: Circular damage often caused by a direct impact.

– Star break: A series of short cracks radiating from a central point.

– Combination break: A mix of various crack types, making repairs more challenging.

– Stress crack: Develops without external impact, typically due to temperature changes or structural issues.

The Risks of Ignoring Windshield Cracks:

Ignoring windshield cracks can lead to:

– Compromised structural integrity: A cracked windshield is weaker and may fail to provide adequate support during accidents.

– Reduced visibility: Cracks can obstruct the driver’s view, increasing the risk of accidents.

– Legal consequences: Driving with a damaged windshield may violate traffic laws and result in fines or penalties.

GlassFixit Solutions:

At GlassFixit, we offer comprehensive solutions for windshield cracks, including:

– Repair: Our expert technicians utilize advanced techniques to repair minor chips and cracks, restoring structural integrity and visibility.

– Replacement: For extensive damage or cracks that compromise safety, we provide professional windshield replacement using high-quality glass and adhesive materials.

– Mobile service: We understand the importance of convenience. That’s why we offer mobile repair and replacement services, bringing our expertise directly to your location in San Jose or anywhere in the Bay Area.

– Insurance assistance: We work with major insurance providers to streamline the claims process, making windshield repair or replacement hassle-free for our customers.

Preventing Windshield Cracks:

While some causes of windshield cracks are unavoidable, you can take preventive measures to minimize risks:

  1. Maintain a safe following distance to reduce the chances of debris impact.
  2. Park in shaded areas when possible to minimize temperature fluctuations.
  3. Address minor chips promptly before they develop into larger cracks.
  4. Invest in professional windshield installation to ensure proper fit and durability.

Why do Windshield Cracks Get Bigger?

Windshield cracks tend to expand due to various factors:

– Temperature changes: Fluctuations in temperature cause the glass to expand and contract, exacerbating existing cracks.

– Vibrations: Continuous vibrations from driving, especially over rough terrain, can cause cracks to propagate.

– Moisture ingress: Water can seep into cracks and weaken the glass, making it more prone to spreading.

Why do Windshield Cracks Spread?

Windshield cracks spread primarily due to stress concentration and weakening of the glass:

– Stress concentration: Cracks create areas of stress concentration, making adjacent areas more susceptible to cracking.

– Environmental factors: Exposure to sunlight, moisture, and pollutants can degrade the structural integrity of the glass, facilitating crack propagation.

– Vehicle movement: The flexing and bending of the vehicle’s chassis during driving can exert pressure on the windshield, causing cracks to spread over time.

Which Windshield Cracks Can Be Repaired?

Not all windshield cracks are repairable. Generally, cracks that meet the following criteria can be repaired:

– Size: Cracks smaller than a dollar bill (around 6 inches or 15 centimeters) are usually repairable.

– Location: Cracks that are away from the edges of the windshield and outside the driver’s line of sight are more likely to be repairable.

– Type: Certain types of cracks, such as bullseye or star breaks, are more amenable to repair than complex or extensive fractures.

Can I Drive with a Windshield Crack?

While regulations vary by jurisdiction, it’s generally not advisable to drive with a cracked windshield due to the following reasons:

– Compromised visibility: Cracks can obstruct the driver’s view, increasing the risk of accidents.

– Reduced structural integrity: A cracked windshield may fail to provide adequate support during collisions, endangering occupants.

– Legal implications: Driving with a damaged windshield may violate traffic laws and result in fines or penalties.

Are Cracked Windshields Illegal?

In many jurisdictions, driving with a cracked windshield is illegal if it obstructs the driver’s view or compromises the vehicle’s structural integrity. It’s essential to check local regulations to ensure compliance and avoid potential legal consequences.

When to Replace a Windshield Crack

Windshield replacement is necessary in the following scenarios:

– Extensive damage: Cracks longer than the permissible repair limit or multiple cracks that compromise the windshield’s integrity require replacement.

– Structural compromise: Cracks near the edges of the windshield or in critical areas affect the structural integrity and necessitate replacement.

– Failed repairs: If attempts to repair the crack are unsuccessful or if the crack spreads despite repairs, replacement is the safest option.

How Long Does Windshield Crack Repair Take?

Windshield crack repair typically takes around 30 to 60 minutes, depending on the extent of the damage and the repair technique used. However, it’s essential to allow additional time for the adhesive to cure fully before driving the vehicle. This curing process may take several hours, and technicians may advise against driving immediately after the repair to ensure optimal results and safety.

By addressing these points comprehensively, GlassFixit aims to provide valuable information to its customers, empowering them to make informed decisions regarding windshield repair and replacement.


Don’t let windshield cracks compromise your safety on the road. Trust GlassFixit for expert repair and replacement services in San Jose and across the Bay Area. From minor chips to extensive fractures, we have the solutions to keep your windshield clear and your journey safe. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and experience the difference of quality auto glass services. Drive confidently with GlassFixit by your side.

Drive safe, drive with GlassFixit!

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